PRP Therapy: Harness The Healing Power of Your Blood

PRP Therapy Harness The Healing Power of Your Blood

All about PRP (Platelet-rich plasma)

PRP, which stands for Platelet-rich plasma, is a special treatment for several medical injuries, diseases, and problems, as well as erectile dysfunction and Peyronies. When Platelet Rich Plasma is introduced to injuries, it intensifies the healing effect and heals on a larger and faster scale. Many professional and famous athletes undergo PRP treatment for their problems, like chronic tendon injuries and sprained knee injuries.

PRP is naturally occurring in blood. It is active plasma from your body with several therapeutic properties. Plasma has a natural healing property, always a fruitful solution for erectile dysfunction.

American Male wellness uses PRP to help treat Peyronie’s Disease and erectile dysfunction and to help gain size and density in the penis. The patient’s blood is used with no extra chemicals or medications in this process. Which, in return, gives you a successful ED treatment that will guarantee safe and effective results.

The PRP Therapy offered at American Male Wellness is the  P-Shot Therapy, which works to reverse the primary cause of erectile dysfunction and give you a permanent solution.

How Does PRP Work?

PRP, also known as P-shot or the Priapus Shot, is a very simple procedure. The patient has 22ml of blood drawn from them to start the process. Then the blood is spun and cleansed, to separate the PRP from everything else, like toxins, fats, and anything else in the blood. Finally, it is reintroduced into strategic points of the penis, for the healing factors to be most effective.

This process revitalizes and rejuvenates the damaged area. It also helps with building new tissue and curing Erectile Dysfunction.

Is PRP successful?

PRP is a process that repairs damaged tissues and builds new tissue, so it has a high success rate. P-shot or PRP usually stimulates the muscle of the penis and helps it to grow concerning length and girth. The treatment helps patients maintain an erection during sex as well as at the time of intercourse.

Is PRP Dangerous, and is it FDA-approved?

As this treatment uses the patient’s blood, there is no possibility of having any allergic reaction or dangerous outcome. When it comes to FDA approval, it is 100% approved, the process itself is FDA approved, and since no chemicals are involved, the FDA does not need further approval.

Does PRP or P-shot process Painful?

At American Male wellness center always try our best to perform P-shot with the least amount of discomfort to our patients and always focus on client satisfaction. We apply strong numbing cream and nerve block, so you feel little to nothing during the procedure.

Final words

PRP is always a successful treatment for men’s erectile dysfunction and a quick recovery process in which the patient can enjoy his sex life the day after the P-shot procedure.

This process not only helps cure many male medical problems like ED, and PE, but it also revitalizes the penis and brings more size and density.